From trade agreements to export documentation to economic trends and topics, MITA keeps its members informed and engaged. While MITA started in Madison, Wisconsin, we have expanded our membership and reach beyond Wisconsin to serve companies in neighboring Midwestern states. The benefits for MITA members:
If you are interested in learning more about MITA before joining, please reach out to a board member or contact us through LinkedIn or email us to set up a time to chat.
Register and pay your dues online via credit card, or print the MITA Membership Form and mail it with a check made payable to MITA to: MITA Membership, P. O. Box 45175, Madison, WI 53744
Helping Companies Succeed in Today’s Global Economy
The Madison International Trade Association (MITA) provides critical resources to EMPOWER Wisconsin manufacturers, organizations and individuals to succeed globally. Our mission is to foster a better understanding of the issues, practices, information, legislation and trends that affect and influence all aspects of global trade.
The world of trade compliance is rapidly changing and grows more complex daily. It has become increasingly more difficult to stay up to date on changing regulations and the global economy. Komatsu holds trade and customs compliance in high regard. Becoming a MITA member allows for our teams to not only stay current in the world of trade, but also provides opportunities to share best practices as we all adapt to the changing times.
"Being involved with MITA, I have met a variety of professionals involved in international trade. I have built in-depth relationships through meaningful conversations with members and guests. Each event offers opportunities to discuss, observe, and debate complex issues. At MITA events I feel the warmth and uniqueness of the American Midwest business culture. It gives me a strong sense that “I belong”.
"Maintaining a long-term membership with MITA allows me to stay informed about key issues and changes in the global landscape impacting Trade Compliance. It provides access to knowledge and insights from leading Trade Compliance experts and an opportunity to learn from the best-in-class local businesses.